Saturday, July 21, 2007

August 2007 Lunar Eclipse and Effects

August 2007 Lunar eclipse phenomenon and its effects on nations and rulers.
In general solar or Lunar eclipse has the tendency to result in magnetic storms in the Arctic and the Antarctic regions. There will also be magnetic disturbances from the moon descending to the north and south Polar Regions. Ray of Force can also affect the North Node and South Node. There will also be depression in the high seas and oceans.
The natural disasters such as severe earth quakes, unprecedented floods, hurricanes and cyclones, huge forest fires, subterranean explosions, volcanic eruptions, melting of ice from the North and South Poles, severe landslides, coal mines and gold mine disasters may occur in succession as a consequent to the solar or Lunar eclipse.
According to Sidereal System on August 28 2007 total Lunar Eclipse will fall on Leo sign
According to the sidereal system during the time of Total Lunar eclipse, Leo Saturn and Aquarius Moon are having exact opposition aspects , also Leo Sun and Aquarius Uranus have the same exact opposition angles.
Generally the disasters following the Lunar eclipse can affect regions lying between time zone Plus or Minus 8 to 12 hrs. and its effectives duration should be between 20th August 2007 to April 2008.
However the astrologer can predict with a credible range of correctness on a country's course of destiny, by in-depth analysis on the specific nation's disposition of planets and signs of the zodiac, and match it with the birth chart of the nation's leaders and arrive at a plausible forecast. Such are the qualitative virtues of Astro-philosophy.
For example, when a nation's signs of the zodiac has reached a critical point and that the leader's zodiac signs also points out to the critical dimension then the fate of both the nation, the leaders and the people are invariably targeted to the disasters which awaited them in the course of its fateful manifestations.
According to the sidereal system, coming total Lunar Eclipse will fall on US Natal Moon and bearing to President G.W Bush’s Natal Mars .Therefore much care is needed in all fronts . Will effect above natural disasters , including the US security will be very critical form August 20th
2007 to August 2008. Especially in areas such as:
(A) Security of President Bush.
(B) 2008 New year, Time Square or to a crowded place in America
(C) US nuclear plants or installations area or NASA important branches.
(D) US Naval vessels including aircraft carrier, Sub Marines will be destroyed because of
attacks or through human error. Much care is needed naval base in Pacific and Indian Oceans.
(2). The near to expiry of the terms of President Bush’s tenure of office the President of Iran will resolutely oppose to US and he will act in such a way that US will have to take military action against Iran. Or sudden or unexpected developments in Government inner circles which will require more careful management or resignation will ensure. But after 90days of eclipse more than 50% of opposition will give understanding forwards to President Bus. Withdrawing troops from Iraq is depends more on situation of Iranian President and his nuclear program.
(3) The intelligence gathering ability and skill of their F.B.I and C.I.A will continue to deteriorate and acting on wrong information they will find difficulties even in tracing terrorist inside US.
The Iran.
The Eclipse will fall on President’s natal Mars and bearing opposition aspects to natal Moon. It is very powerful influence and confers: (1).Grave dangerous of International disputes, disagreement with other powers, unsatisfactory condition of foreign relations and dangerous of war. Depression in foreign trade.
(2).Natural disasters such as earthquakes, sand storms or huge explosions, may fall on the nation from August 20th 2007 to April 2008. Major accidents such as commercial plane, crashes, train collisions, or disaster affecting military aircrafts and naval vessels or such as super tankers. If there was nuclear plant or chemical plant there may occur huge leakage of reactors or chemical.
(3) The president is not war-free. In case of being free from warring conditions, he would seldom
complete his term or he will find it more and more difficulties to handle the domestic problems as he will be confronted with demonstrations and mounting acts of oppositions.
North Korea
The eclipse will fall on Kim Jung II natal Moon
President Kim Jung II may changes his attitudes towards the nuclear program and he will resume it. It can be predicted beyond doubt that the sunset time of Kim Jung II is imminent.
The president will find himself more and more difficult to handle the domestic problems as he
will confronted with demonstrations and mounting acts of extremists. After Lunar eclipse massive demonstrations as well as attempts on his life will take place. He will have to pass over a mountain of swords and sea of fire on his political journey.
The Lunar eclipse not visibility in Burma, but the eclipse will fall on 4th house and bearing to
Mid heaven and natal Mars.(1) It denotes much care is needed in all affairs. The national convention would be on the wane. Confronted with demonstrations and mounting pressure of International. Much care is needed in Senior General Than Shwe or first lady’s health.
(2).Militaristic on goings would grow increasingly along the frontier areas. The horoscope of Myanmar is indicating that there would be increasing militaristic activities in the frontier areas similar to those during the Operation Ba Ba in the years 1955/56.
(3) Also much care is needed in opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s health , especially on her security.
Much care is needed on, Japan, North Korea, Taiwan , Hong Kong, East China regimes, Volcanic areas, Africa east cost, Russia, and most of the Island Nations including east coast. of Australia.
The disaster can strike the Satellites orbiting space, space station, including space shuttle etc: The unknown Virus penetrate the earth atmosphere and disrupt the functions of NASA ’s base computer control systems.
from 2008 -2009 New Horizon will heading to wrong course or out of communication with NASA
Above mentioned period Kings, Rulers or famous people who are similar to rulers will be assassinated or face death . Likelihood Pacific Ocean earthquake.
May all be free from the effects of such disasters and war.

Bella Liberty ( Astro-philosopher )

Sunday, May 20, 2007

McNaught Comet and effects

The Comet Mc Naught (C/2006 PI ) and It’s effects. On astrological science point of view

According to astrological science point of view the Comet appearance at our solar system and it orbits around the Sun will entail ominous and catastrophic consequence our unsteady and shaky world and it inhabitants unprecedented natural disasters, subterranean explosions, unbridled military buildup and continuing unrest will plague the world as an after total lunar eclipse during March 03 2007 -2008.July

McNaught Comet and effects( more click and chached)

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Congress should give leniency and understanding towards President G.W. Bush.

Though the Democrats have the victorious vote and have gained the majority seats in today’s American Parliament, they should consider and give President G.W. Bush a leniency and understanding toward his decisions on Iraq. U.S. is currently facing with the world’s situation, which is totally unlike the past German and Russian Communist regime. We all should understand and analyze this fact as mandatory.
Reinforcing and supporting with more U.S. Military Troops to Iraq is the requirement and the right decision of President G.W. Bush. The Democrats should not use time, money and casualties as a base for decisions to withdraw U.S. Troops out from Iraq either.
Withdrawing U.S. Military Troops out from Iraq now would be a rash decision, considering Iraq being the most unrest and unsafe country in the world. Thinking that Iraqis presently have their own new government and the resistance movements are just their own act of ‘ civil war ‘ activities, within their own country while Saddam Hussein and his brutal ruling party has already been brought to justice, should not be the final ending point to just brush off and leave Iraq as is.

livebravo (click,more)


Dear Hillary
Super power US Presidential election will have an impact not only on US but also on the whole world where world affairs including peace is concerned.
Result of US Presidential election will have a pivotal effect probably involving an immediate change in the corridors of world history. World peace will be determined by the election.Destiny of American people depend on it. Economic recovery depends on it.
As the current history of US is the effect of 2000 Presidential election, the coming 2008 Presidential election definitely will affect the history of US and the destiny of its people.
livebravo ( click here)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Pluto's demotion from planetary status does not affect astrology - Science

Venetia Burney named Pluto in 1930

Pluto's demotion from planetary status does not affect astrology - Science( Click )

Pluto is a smallest, furthermost and mysterious planet in our solar system. Also it is terminate point of our solar system. IAU decision is nothing affect to astrology,according to more than 7 decade's astrological research on Pluto, found Pluto is a powerful and mysterious planet. Also much powerful influence than Mercury,Venus, and Mars, the America 911 was happened because of Pluto's powerful cycle combination and its influence on Nation chart and president G .W Bush's chart.

Election 2008: A critical appraisal of all the candidates for U.S. president - Helium

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Will Hillary Clinton ever be president? - Helium

Super power US Presidential election will have an impact not only on US but also on the whole world where world affairs including peace is concerned.
Result of US Presidential election will have a pivotal effect probably involving an immediate change in the corridors of world history. World peace will be determined by the election.Destiny of American people depend on it. Economic recovery depends on it.
As the current history of US is the effect of 2000 Presidential election, the 2008 US Presidential election definitely will affect the history of US and the destiny of its people.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Gemini Ascendant and Pisces Moon, read astrological report. Let her be the President of United States of America for betterment of super powre strengthen and world peace.

Hillary Rodham Clinton (click) read article.

Pluto's Demotion From Planetary Status Does Not Affect Astrology - Science News - - Science & Technology

Pluto Petition

On August 24th 2006 the International Astronomical Union general assembly in Prague declared that Pluto is no longer a planet. But it would not be wrong to say that IAU made the decision on Pluto was not on the reasonable definitions, IAU just made its decision on size of celestial body. Actually the planet Pluto is a smallest, furthermost and mysterious planet in our solar system.

The Raw Story | Pluto's demotion from planetary status does not affect astrology

The Raw Story Pluto's demotion from planetary status does not affect astrology (click)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Prediction notes from London BBC

My astrology is deep thus philosophy ,which also is ancient science..

This prediction was made on October 2001 which also was broadcasted by London BBC in Burmese version on 1st January 2002 @ GMT 12:30 pm.
The prediction notes from International affairs 2002. # 1 and 2

1..As mentioned before, as President G.W Bush horoscope was in critical position, between the first week of September 2001 and February 2002 or March 2nd 2002, there was no hope for him at all to catch alive, Osama Bin Laden the chief target of the war he had waged after 27th September 2001.Niether will there be any evidence of telling that, Osama Bin Laden was dead.
2..The intelligence gathering ability and skill of F.B.I and C.I.A will continue to deteriorate and by acting on wrong information they will find great difficulties even in tracing Bin Laden.

The predictions have been more than 4 ½ years,but still there is no chance to get hold of Osama Bin Laden alive or no evidence could be produce that he is dead.
C.I.A and F.B.I are still finding it hard to trace his whereabout.
But astrological science will tell you the true story of Bin Laden alive or death. According to astro-computation found that, every audio message with photo which was transmitted by Arab television is not authentic.

To be continue

Bella Liberty ( astro- philosopher )